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I have always felt so blessed that I am surrounded by many great people in every aspect of my life.

Family, friends, mentors, supporters and believers.

All have inspired me over and over, gave me strength to carry on when I didn't believe in myself.
Held my dreams with them as I held them with me, when I was home or far away from them.
Never did I feel alone on my life's journey, I always knew there was someone there by my side whether in spirit or at home waving the flag.

I would not be who I am today without the guidance, encouragement, support and love from so many.

With this being said, the Family Traditions HOOT was inspired by the loss of my father Mr. Ed Turley.
He, for many years, held an annual event in Huntsville called the Harvest Jam that was held at Jay T's the Sunday of Thanksgiving for 12 years.
I grew up with music in one form or another, and it has always been a bridge and opened doors to much happiness and fond memories.
After his passing I thought of a way that we could carry on the link between music and helping others. I presented the idea to my friends and we decided we needed to make it happen.
Well here we are heading into our 16th year and still going strong, in fact getting stronger.
We have come along way from patching together sound gear for the stage, establishing what would encourage people to attend and so on.

I am proud of what we have accomplished thus far, and everyone who has been involved in one respect or another should stand tall and smile as well.

Every year near the end of the HOOT I feel such pride to look around and see all of us together, sharing joy, fun, friendship (new and old) and having respect for each other... and the one common thread... Music!
And as the hands of time keep ticking forward, there stand the inevitable sadness of loss of loved ones that are very near and dear to us.
We have created this page to honour them. Those who still watch over us and have given so much to us all.
And to know that those that may not be there in our view are still standing there with us in spirit and pride, makes it all worthwhile. That is what it is about...

If you have attended the "HOOT" in the past and there is someone special who you would like to honour please send a picture and a few words about them to 


Ed Turley



Charlie Stiles





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Helen Tryon



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Josie Wilkinson





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Ruth Thompson




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Lyle Payne





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Pete Sampson






Chris Mayhew





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Alistair Clark





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Rick the Plumber






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Helen Staley





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Tim Armstrong






Gerry Hopcraft





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Kim Allair-Schulz




Tater Turley






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Barker Forbes



Heather Stiles



Ariana Mae


Kayden Woods







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Terra and Mikey Brown

1999-2012 and 2000-2011






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